About Spaceman433

NOTE: All my Zello contacts are muted. If you need to catch me in solo, let me know in channel or sent me an alert.

Hello! If you landed here, you more than likely are checking out my ZELLO or LINE profile. Here's a little more info about me...

First off, I'm 43 years old and taken... I'm not looking for a relationship or anything on the side. Besides, I'm damaged goods :) But I'm all about making friends and shootin' the shit.

I bounced around DC, MD, and PA for the first half of my life, and I'm now living in Gilbert, AZ.

I got into Zello because I have always been into radios: CB, FRS, GMRS, ham, scanners – and I've found some Zello channels that are a good mix between CB and ham, which in my opinion is the way it should be: somewhat civilized, mostly respectful, but not so uptight :) One day I may get a ham license, but I'm not really in a hurry.

Why "Spaceman" and why "433"?

Spaceman was the name I started using when I first got on the CB in the early 80's. "433" comes from the first base station I was able to get my hands on: a Navaho TRC-433. There was nothing really special about that radio, but once it was tweaked and peaked, that radio was LOUD and PROUD. Anyway, the name and number stuck with me through the years when it came to the CB and push to talk apps like Zello.

In case you see me "Online" in a channel, but wonder why I'm not talking or replying to anyone

I usually listen in when I have my Bluetooth earbud in. Sometimes I'll pop out the earbud while I'm doing something else and I don't change my online status. So I may appear "green" but I'm not really listening.

Other times my earbuds might die - and when they disconnect, the volume on my phone will turn all the way down so that zello doesn't start blasting out of the phone.

I could also very well be in "Solo Mode" and listening to another channel.

So if I don't answer you, don't be offended - I really might not be listening.

More about me: